miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013


Today, 5th June, we celebrate "World Environment Day". The slogan of this year is "THINK, EAT, SAVE"

Think about the food we waste.
Eat healthy, natural, local food.
Save food, using the left overs, buying just what you need and giving to others what you don´t need.

Last Friday, 31st May, we went to "As Pedreiras" the main Recreation Area of our surroundings. This place was an illegal rubbish dump 30 years ago, recuperated by an ecologist association in collaboration with children of our school. Now, we go there every year and make a revision of the trees planted there since then. It is a special day of joy and pride for all of us.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

World Book Day


On 23rd April we celebrated World Book Day making a project about our council.


Now we are studying different types of animals, especially the ones that suffer metamorphosis, Eric Carle offers us a beautiful, well known story “The very hungry caterpillar” which illustrates the life cycle of a butterfly.

What about animals camouflage? Have a look at this funny story from Eric Carle, too.
The mixed up chameleon

Why don´t you enjoy yourself learnig about animals living in the savannah?
Storm in the savannah

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

World Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

Save Our Planet

On 22nd April we celebrate Earth Day. But Earth Day is everyday. Remember that Earth is our home, our mother, the only place we have to live in., but if we continue consumming more and more, there will be no place for all the rubbish we generate.

Here  you are two beautiful songs to admire life on Earth.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Minerales y rocas

En 4º de Primaria pusieron mucho interés en el tema "Minerals and rocks" así que empezaron a traer todo tipo de piedras. Sara trajo una bonita colección y Zaira otra, perteneciente a su tío. Grabamos un trocito.


International Children´s Book Day

Hello, children!

Today, 2nd April, is the International Children´s book day. I want to give you these presents: two very famous English stories " that can be watched by people from 2 to 99 years old.
See you next week
The links are below:

The gruffalo

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


Here you have a cool song about how to read a map and use the cardinal points. Besides you can learn it reading the lyrics.
Enjoy yourselves, going to this link

And you can listen to this interesting lesson about different types of maps

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Happy Easter!

I think we will have a rainy Easter!!! You can watch these short cartoons about Easter. Don´t eat too many chocolate eggs!!! ja, ja, ja
Here are some links

Children four years old painted and decorated beautiful chicks, at Easter. We had the opportunity to revise vocabulary about parts of the body (eyes, beak); colours, farm animals, Easter eggs...
They had a great time doing this activity.


sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

animal songs for little children

Puedes ir a este enlace para aprender canciones en inglés sobre animales

The sounds of the animals

Farm animals

En Infantil 4 años estuvimos trabajando los animales de la granja de nuestro concejo, para el proyecto de centro que estamos desarrollando este año sobre nuestro entorno próximo.
Esta actividad nos sirvió también para recordar los colores básicos  y cómo obtener otros, por ejemplo, el marrón.
Si queréis podéis acceder al vídeo que grabamos sobre ello. 

El trabajo, ya finalizado, quedó así. BEAUTIFUL AND FUNNY!

World Water Day

Como sabéis el día 22 de Marzo es el Día Mundial del Agua.

Tenemos que ser conscientes de que el agua es vida y debemos usarla de forma responsable. Aquí tenéis el enlace a la canción que refleja de forma sencilla y divertida el ciclo del agua Canción sobre el agua

También podéis ver una sencilla película sobre cómo ahorrar agua en este enlace
  Save water!